Agave and Friends
Rock Purslane
Bottle Tree, Kurrajong
Daylily, D. Moon Hybrid
Yellow Cotton
Red Yucca
Variegated Century Plant
Century Plant, Maguey
Dwarf Pomegranate
Rock Purslane

Common name:Rock Purslane
Botanical name:Cistanthe grandiflora

This perennial will grow 12"-36" and produces large blue-green rosettes that last for a long season. It produces large, silky, lavender pink flowers that have lime-green, purple spotted calyces.

Bottle Tree, Kurrajong

Common name:Bottle Tree, Kurrajong
Botanical name:Brachychiton populneus

This evergreen tree will grow 25'-75' tall and produces white blooms that are magenta on the inside. It is very drought tolerant and does best in full sun.


Common name:Kleinia
Botanical name:Senecio mandraliscae

This succulent perennial will grow to about 1.5' tall and 2' wide. It has curved, bluish gray leaves that are about 3.5" long and very slender.

Daylily, D. Moon Hybrid

Common name:Daylily, D. Moon Hybrid
Botanical name:Hemerocallis 'D. Moon'

This Daylily has clear yellow blooms above handsome, grass-like, green foliage. Flowers are perched on thin wiry stalks, about 2' tall. It has even bloomed in January! But typically, you see blooms in spring. Daylilies prefer full sun and regular watering. Provide well draining soil and compost.

Yellow Cotton

Common name:Yellow Cotton
Botanical name:Santolina pinnata

Yellow Cotton is a low shrub to about 2' and a little bit wider. It has dense, rich green foliage and yellow flowers. It creates a distinct Mediterranean look.

Red Yucca

Common name:Red Yucca
Botanical name:Hesperaloe parviflora

This spectacular succulent is wonderful for a desert garden, with rosettes of gray green leaves to about 3'-4' tall and 6' wide. Red flower stalks emerge during spring and remain on the plant until the end of summer. This shrub will spread to form a crowded grass-like clump. This evergreen shrub is drought resistant but will appear better and bloom longer with added moisture. It does well in full sun, reflected heat, poor soils and cold temperatures to at least 0 degrees F.

Variegated Century Plant

Common name:Variegated Century Plant
Botanical name:Agave americana 'Variegata'

This Agave has a creamy yellow margins around the edge of the leaves. It will grow 6'-10' tall by up to 13' wide. It is native to Mexico. It has a very open growth habit, with leaves that recurve along their length. -Mountain States Nursery

Century Plant, Maguey

Common name:Century Plant, Maguey
Botanical name:Agave americana

This plant is fast growing to about 6'-10' tall and 8'-13' wide. Wide gray leaves have stiff terminal spines and recurved teeth on margins. It prefers full sun and well-drained situations. After blooming, which could take several years, it will die but will send up new pups from around the base. Some people are allergic to the sap. Removal is difficult if unwanted.

Dwarf Pomegranate

Common name:Dwarf Pomegranate
Botanical name:Punica granatum 'Nana'

This shrub is highly ornamental with dense foliage. It can reach 3' tall and 6' wide. It is easily pruned and shaped, thus its popularity as a bonsai plant. Flowers are small, showy, and red orange, developing into dry red fruit (not edible). It is considered evergreen in mild frost-free winter areas. This shrub is great in containers. It needs extra summer water in hot inland valleys.

Designer: Shapell Homes

Agave and Friends

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Water Saving Tip:

Integrated Pest Management: