Common name:Daylily, D. Moon Hybrid
Botanical name:Hemerocallis 'D. Moon'
This Daylily has clear yellow blooms above handsome, grass-like, green foliage. Flowers are perched on thin wiry stalks, about 2' tall. It has even bloomed in January! But typically, you see blooms in spring. Daylilies prefer full sun and regular watering. Provide well draining soil and compost.
Common name:Snow-In-Summer
Botanical name:Cerastium tomentosum
Masses of snow white flowers highlight this plant during the early summer season.
Common name:Kangeroo Paws Big Red
Botanical name:Anigozanthos 'Big Red'
Anigozanthos flavidus 'Tall Red' is a perennial with dark green, smooth, swordlike evergreen leaves. It produces spikes of striking, fuzzy, tubular flowers in yellow-green, tinged with red that are curved at the tips. The flowers attract hummingbirds. Flowers bloom from late spring to fall if spent flowering spikes are cut to the ground. It makes for a good cut flower.
Common name:Sea Lavender, Statice
Botanical name:Limonium perezii
This mounding shrub will reach about 3' high and has large, dark green leaves with small blue and purple flowers that bloom in spring and summer.
Common name:White Birch, European White Birch
Botanical name:Betula pendula
This medium-size weeping tree will grow to about 40' tall and has a whitish/brown bark with deciduous green leaves.
Common name:Colorado Blue Spruce
Botanical name:Picea pungens glauca
Picea pungens 'Glauca' is an evergreen tree that grows 80' to 100' tall and 40' to 50' wide with needle-like, blue green needles. It requires full sun, medium watering, and will live in any well drained soil. This tree can be planted in groves to create a windbreak. It prefers cooler climates
Common name:Kangaroo Paw 'Yellow'
Botanical name:Anigozanthos 'Yellow'
This herbaceous perennial can reach 4'-6' tall and 2'-3' wide. Kangaroo Paw has strap-like leaves and fuzzy tubular-shaped, yellow flowers that bloom in spring and fade as summer progresses. They can be used for cut or dried flowers. The flowers have nectar which attract hummingbirds. Kangaroo Paw does well in full sun and looks great in borders, mass plantings, and in pots. It can do well in drought tolerant conditions. It prefers sandy soil and deep, infrequent watering.
Designer: | Yellow Fireworks |
Photographer: GardenSoft |
Practice grass-cycling by leaving short grass clippings on lawns after mowing, so that nutrients and organic matter are returned to the soil.
Be sure to fix all leaks promptly no matter how small they may seem.
Develop healthy soil for plants that are vigorous and naturally pest-resistant.