Eastern Redbud Glory
Eastern Redbud
California Field Sedge
Mexican Fan Palm
Creeping Red Fescue, Red Fescuegras
Eastern Redbud

Common name:Eastern Redbud
Botanical name:Cercis canadensis

This small, deciduous tree with a rounded head is covered with small flowers of a rose pink color in the spring before the appearance of heart-shaped leaves. It can grow to 25' tall with an equal spread. It has a low branching habit with a rounded form. Leaves turn yellow green in the fall.

California Field Sedge

Common name:California Field Sedge
Botanical name:Carex praegracilis

This native Carex can be successfully used as a lawn substitute but requires significant water to obtain good coverage. Once coverage is reached, water can be reduced and maintenance is close to zero. Unmowed, the plant can be used effectively in a variety of conditions and will reach a height of 6" or under and spreads up to 2' by rhizomes.

Mexican Fan Palm

Common name:Mexican Fan Palm
Botanical name:Washingtonia robusta

The Mexican Fan Palm is a very tall, rapidly growing palm with large, fan-shaped leaves. It has a tropical look, and can grow several feet a year. This species is excellent for larger gardens and lining streets and avenues.

Creeping Red Fescue, Red Fescuegras

Common name:Creeping Red Fescue, Red Fescuegras
Botanical name:Festuca rubra

Creeping Red Fescue is not red but dark green. It is a great ground cover kept at longer lengths for banks. It is very shade tolerant and lush looking.

Designer: Wynne Wilson

Eastern Redbud Glory

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Practice grass-cycling by leaving short grass clippings on lawns after mowing, so that nutrients and organic matter are returned to the soil.

Integrated Pest Management:

Remove irrigation water and fertilizer from areas where you don't want weeds to grow.