Pink Peruvian Lilies
Peruvian Lily, Alstroemeria
Yellow bulbine
Improved Meyer Lemon
Iceberg Floribunda Rose
Peruvian Lily, Alstroemeria

Common name:Peruvian Lily, Alstroemeria
Botanical name:Alstroemeria hybrids

The deciduous rhizomes of this Peruvian Lily will often run aggressively if not controlled. They grow best in full to partial sun with some summer watering in dry climates. The florist strains can reach 6' tall, while the compact strains range from 12" 36" tall. For extra long, florist quality stems, stake or grow through netting for support. -Moterey Bay Nursery

Yellow bulbine

Common name:Yellow bulbine
Botanical name:Bulbine frutescens 'Yellow'

This clumping groundcover grows 1' tall and 1'-3' wide. It produces 12"-18" flower stalks that bear clusters of small yellow flowers almost all year. Succulent evergreen leaves are fragile, so locate away from foot traffic. Growth habit is not very tidy whereas the orange cultivar 'Hallmark' is a bit more so. This So. African native blooms most heavily in spring and fall with sporadic spikes in summer. It is also a good container plant and for erosion control.

Improved Meyer Lemon

Common name:Improved Meyer Lemon
Botanical name:Citrus meyeri 'Improved'

Improved Meyer Lemon is an evergreen tree that grows 3'-6' tall and 3'-6' wide; it has year around leaves that are glossy green. This tree likes well drained loam soil, with full sun; medium watering is required. It has white flowers and yellow edible fruit.

Iceberg Floribunda Rose

Common name:Iceberg Floribunda Rose
Botanical name:Rosa 'Iceberg'

This is a shrub rose (there are climbing varieties) with an abundance of fragrant, medium sized, white blooms. It is one of the most popular roses and very tough.

Designer: La Loma Development

Pink Peruvian Lilies

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Incorporate compost 6" into your soil to retain water, reduce compaction, feed earthworms, and provide valuable nutrients to your plants.

Integrated Pest Management:

Drip and other smart irrigation delivers water directly to roots, allowing no excess water for weeds.